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School Council


Arden’s School Council has been representing the voice of our pupils in the decision making process for over 8 years. Being elected as a member of the council is a highly prized achievement by the children as it only happens after the completion of a democratic process that includes nominations and elections.

Meetings are held at least twice a term with an agenda that can involve issues suggested by their head teacher but also by regular meetings held by each class during class circle time sessions. Recently our school council have debated important issues including behaviour on the playground,  the ordering of school resources including playground markings and  choosing the annual charity to support.

If you would like to find out more about the work of our school council please contact Miss Shillito.

Environment Committee


Our Environment Committee has been running for a number of years and is always looking for ways to make Arden a ‘greener’ place to be.

Every year, each class in KS2 elects a representative in an election, this then forms Arden’s Environment Committee. Environment Committee meetings are held half-termly to discuss issues suggested by Mrs Gorrie, a committee member or anyone in the school community.

The committee’s successes include achieving the highly acclaimed Eco-School Green Flag status and our on-going work towards being a Fair Trade School.  We also hold regular fundraising events for the Fairtrade organisation this always proves to be great fun!

For further information, take a look at the minutes of the Environment Committee meetings posted on the Environment Display Board, or contact Mrs Gorrie.

Reading Ambassadors

At Arden we love to read; one way for us to encourage and nurture a love of reading is through our Reading Ambassadors. These pupils are chosen by their class mates and teachers as avid or improved readers. They are then invited to meetings each half term to talk about books, design competitions and read new books.

The new ambassadors are elected annually so I’m sure they will come up with some exciting book-related events for this academic year. Keep checking the newsletters for upcoming events!

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